Reading in Second Grade: Nonfiction!

The second grade students have launched head first into a new unit of study in reading: nonfiction!

The first part of the unit students focused on different text features found in nonfiction texts.

Nonfiction text features and purpose of each.

To name a few: titles, bold words, diagrams, photos, and captions. Students read many different kinds of nonfiction texts and noticed how they often looked differently than the fiction texts they read. They pointed out the different features, named them, and discussed the authors purpose for including them.

Next the students made their own short informational book to teach others about nonfiction text features!

Diagram of a crab.

Looking at other published texts as a guide, students chose different features from our list to highlight and made a different page for each feature, combining them all into a short book.

Students will continue their reading study of nonfiction texts by making connections to what they read and thinking more deeply about how it helps them understand more completely.


They will also notice when they learn new information from their reading and how it connects to what they already know about the topic.

In addition to further developing their nonfiction reading strategies, students have begun to think about topics they are specialists on and could teach someone else about. This will guide their informational writing.


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