Second Grade Writers

What have second graders been doing?

Second graders have been writing a narrative story focused on a memory with a special person. The process started with brainstorming ideas. Writers then told their stories across their fingers to make sure there were enough details to create an interesting narrative. After a few days of writing a first draft, many writers were surprised to find out that…


If your first draft is done, you as writers have just begun!

The revision process is where the real work begins. Stories become really “juicy” as we add details and other craft skills. Students were modeled good story writing by sharing many books including Stellaluna – a favorite of ours by Janell Cannon. As we were reading, writers were able to identify what the author did to make this such an amazing book. Our list included:

  • painting a picture using words

  • substituting boring words with snazzy synonyms

  • including dialogue

  • using word repetition

  • adding a dash of humor

  • exploring similes (the bat’s wings were as limp as wet paper)

  • trying to include sound effects

  • trying out different action words

    Before each writing period, each student choose one of the craft skills to polish up in their book. Writers will be completing the revision process this week and will spend a few days editing their stories next week. Students will be handwriting the first three pages of their books and we will print the other pages out for you to see during Parent Teacher Conferences starting next Friday!

    During our publishing party, second graders are able to share their final drafts with other grades. It is an earned celebration for the dedicated work second graders have devoted in creating a published story!

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