Middle School Students Bond During the 5th & 6th Grade Start-of-Year Retreat
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Middle School Students Bond During the 5th & 6th Grade Start-of-Year Retreat

Contributed by Matt Callahan, Middle School English Teacher


If you followed the new 5th graders as they headed over the bridge for their first day in the middle school at the start of the year, you might have seen that their MS peers were waiting for them with posters, smiles, and cheering. A new tradition started just this year, it reflects one of our oldest and deepest values, one that fosters the deep sense of friendship and connectivity that we each feel as a member of this tight-knit community.


In this spirit, last week, the 5th and 6th grade classes met on the upper field to spend some time together getting to know one another and learn about the routines and expectations of the middle school. Students mingled and learned about one another in a “Getting to Know You” Bingo game.


6th graders found common interests with 5th graders, and all found out something new about their peers. Then students helped to solve some common problems seen in the middle school. Topics included being inclusive, locker routines, and solving differences that occur at recess. Teachers led large scale games, including a 80+ person rendition of Giants, Wizards and Elves, which helped solidify the bonds of friendship between students. The morning ended with a watermelon seed spitting activity as students moved on to recess and back to class.


This retreat was an excellent chance to forge friendships and share experiences as we start off on another year of growth, trust, and discovery. As this pod journeys through middle school together, there will be fantastic opportunities for mutual learning and peer leadership. We cannot wait to see what’s in store for this exuberant group of collaborators and learners.


5th & 6th grade families: Photos and a video from the day are up on your community group pages in the Bear’s Lair.
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