We Make Things Better: Showing Our Work in Science & Making
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We Make Things Better: Showing Our Work in Science & Making

It is our vision to “inspire students to achieve their dreams and reach beyond themselves to make a difference in the world.” As a community of lifelong learners, we aim to inspire every member of the Hillbrook family to embrace opportunities to share their thoughts, talents, and passions in an effort to make the world a better place.

Our teachers not only lead student discovery here on campus, but they are actively devoted to standing at the leading-edge of where we are in education and the ever-evolving, global conversation on how we are engaging the minds, bodies, and spirits of young learners.

Here are some of the amazing ways two members of our faculty – in lower school and in middle school – are making a difference and sharing their valued expertise with the world beyond Hillbrook.

When Kindergarten Teacher David Robinson isn’t busy hosting nature walks around campus or helping our kindergartners document the progress of their new playground – giving each of them a deeper understanding of the world around us – he shares his expertise as the Preschool Science Consultant for the five-time Daytime Emmy Award Winning show, Tumble Leaf. Tumble Leaf is debuting its second season now and we wanted to share this wonderful program with our community.

Tumble Leaf, from the award-winning studio Bix Pix Entertainment, follows the adventures of a curious blue fox named Fig and his best (and wiggliest) caterpillar friend Stick as they embark on new nature-filled adventures and discover science through play.

At Hillbrook, we believe strongly in the value and deeper learning that happens when children are encouraged to experience learning with joy. The graceful interweaving of academic skill-building with play activities have helped to create individualized, unique, and engaging experiences for our students from JK onwards. Geared towards pre-schoolers, Tumble Leaf sets the stage for this dynamic way of learning for a lifetime. We encourage you to tune in and join in the adventure.


Click here to watch the the trailer for the newest season on Amazon here. 

5th Grade Science & iLab Coordinator Christa Flores shares her experiences in building the problem-based science program here at Hillbrook in Meaningful Making: Projects and Inspirations for FabLabs and Makerspaces, a collaborative publication with like-minded educators from around the world who promote the maker culture in education.

This free e-book will be a rich resource for science teachers who wish to further the ways they instill thproject-based learning in their classrooms. Christa is a leader of the FabLearn summit at Stanford University, a gathering of the making community in the K-12 school space. In her piece, “From Name Tags to Lasting Artifacts: Fostering a Culture of Deep Projects,” Christa shares the value of giving students ownership over their question and the process of unraveling a deeper understanding through hands-on experiences and real-world projects that promote collaboration and innovation for young students.

We definitely encourage you to give this entire publication a read and to learn more. Click on the book below to view.


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